PFFV is in the process of making screenings and events more accessible. We recognize this as a long-term commitment and are actively working to ensure that this and future editions of the festival are increasingly more accessible and inclusive, particularly for disabled audiences. Our goal is to be transparent and provide clear information so each visitor has the agency to make informed decisions about how they can engage with the festival in a way that best suits their access needs.
We are exploring new formats and constantly working to develop and improve our accessibility. We welcome any feedback, questions, or concerns regarding accessibility and encourage you to reach out to us at .
Accessibility Contact​
Do you have a question about accessibility? Do you need further informations or anything to attend an event or screening? Reach out to us at .

Address: Margaretenstraße 22/24, 1040 Vienna
Fully wheelchair accessible, entrance has no steps, all rooms are accessible without steps.
Barrier-free toilet available, difficult to reach when there are a lot of visitors.
Reachable via public transport, nearest stations:
U-Bahn: U4/U2/U1 Karlsplatz and U4 Kettenbrückengasse.
Bus: 59A Schleifmühlgasse and Bärenmühldurchgang.
Straßenbahn: 1, 62 and Badner Bahn (Paulanergasse).

Breitenseer Lichtspiele
Address: Breitenseer Straße 21, 1140 Vienna
Not barrier-free (a small step at the entrance).
Barrier-free access is possible via the Kröllgasse entrance and via the single lift on Johnstrasse.
Barrier-free toilet.
Guidance system for the blind is not available.
Reachable via public transport, nearest stations:
U-Bahn: U3 Hütteldorfer Straße (Ausgang Feilplatz) and U3 Kendlerstraße.
Straßenbahn: 10 (Laurentius Platz) and 49 (Hütteldorfer Straße).

Aids Hilfe Haus Wien
Address: Mariahilfer Gürtel 4, 1060 Vienna
Reachable via public transport, nearest stations:
U-Bahn: U6 Gumpendorfer Straße (Barrier-free entry and exit is possible via the individual lifts. The lifts end in the subway hall.
The subway hall is accessible via a ramp from the inner Mariahilfer Belt. On the surface: guidelines for the blind in a raised profile and in a groove structure).
Straßenbahn: 6/18 (Gumpendorfer Straße).
Bus: 57A (Gumpendorfer Straße).

Side Events
Queer Museum Vienna
Address: Otto Wagner Areal (Baumgartner Höhe 1, 1140 Vienna)
In the former Direktion building, stair case N.2, directly after the main gate.
Reachable via public transport, nearest stations:
U-Bahn: U4 Unter St. Veit
Bus: 47A (Otto Wagner Areal, via U4 Unter St. Veit)
48A( Otto Wagner Areal, via U3 Ottakring)
There is a barrier-free second entrance at the rear of the building via a cobblestone path. If the door is closed, you will find a small stand with a mobile bell in front of the door. Please press it and one of the museum team members will assist you to get into the house.
The first entrance has one step, for which there is a mobile ramp. There are two further steps in the stairwell, for which there is also a mobile ramp.
Wheelchair-accessible toilet not available in the building. Wheelchair-accessible toilet available 5 minutes away, right next to the bus stop 47A (Otto Wagner Areal).

Side Events
Address: Stiftgasse 8, 1070 Vienna
Reachable via public transport, nearest stations:
U-Bahn: U2/U3 Volkstheater
Straßenbahn: 52/49 (Stiftgasse).
Bus: 48A (St. Ulrichs Platz).
To get into the room where the side events are taking place, there is a small bumper of 5 cm in height. There will be people to assist you when you need help to get into the room. Wheelchair-accessible toilet not available in the building.

Semperdepot EG Nord
Address: Academy Of Fine Arts (Lehárgasse 6-8, 1060 Vienna)
Exhibition Space: EG Nord, Ground Floor
Barrier-free access: Main entrance Lehárgasse 8 (porter's lodge).
The main entrance is wheelchair accessible. To have the gate opened, press the door opener (red button) on the left side of the gate. The elevator is located on the right side at the end of the foyer, from there you can reach other floors barrier-free. Exhibition is situated at the ground floor, straight onward from the Portier Lounge.
Lifts: the building has one lift, equipped with wheelchair accessible controls, connecting all levels.
Toilets: three accessible toilets are centrally located on three levels of the building (on the first floor, 1st floor and 2nd floor). The toilets are accessible with Eurokey.
Exhibition is barrier-free. Guidance system for the blind is not available.
Reachable via public transport, nearest stations:
U-Bahn: U1/U2/U4 Karlsplatz and U3 Neubaugasse

Prospekthof of the Academy Of Fine Arts
Address: Academy Of Fine Arts - Prospekthof
(Lehárgasse 8, 1060 Vienna), Ground Floor
Barrier-free access: Main entrance Lehárgasse 8.
The main entrance is wheelchair accessible. To have the gate opened, press the door opener (red button) on the left side of the gate.The main space is barrier-free, there are also stairs to sit, but the elevated ground floor space is not wheelchair accessible and also not the first floor (lodgia) space.
Toilets: In the Propekthof there are toilets but they are downstairs, not wheelchair accessible. BUT: there are three accessible toilets in the main building of Semperdepot (are centrally located on three levels of the building (Lehárgasse 6-8, 1060 Vienna) on the first floor, 1st floor and 2nd floor). The toilets are accessible with Eurokey. Barrier-free access: Main entrance Lehárgasse 8 (porter's lodge).
Guidance system for the blind is not available.
Reachable via public transport, nearest stations:
U-Bahn: U1/U2/U4 Karlsplatz and U3 Neubaugasse

Check also the accessibility of the stations via “Wiener Linien”!
Accessibility of side events
For each side event, you will find accessibility information on the event's website section. This includes information about sensory stimuli such as lighting, sound, as well as the seating arrangement and audience situation.